

My favorite thing about picture ledges is that it's so easy to switch out and rearrange the art on display. Yesterday, I had fun making a quick, easy and free piece of art.

I started out with a stack of Real Simple magazines {which always look so pretty on the cover, but are rarely worth re-reading} and a circle punch I had from the time I threw a black, white and yellow party. I cut out a lot of circles, focusing on shades of blue with varying patterns.

I hate math, so instead of precise measurements, I simply laid the empty frame over the paper and created a grid with the circles by sight. Then, I folded a circle and glued one half down, letting the other half flip up like a butterfly wing. I proceeded to do this with all the circles, alternating which half I glued down.

The end result was nice and textural. Kind of modern and abstract, with just the right punch of color.

Now I have a stack of Real Simple issues with punched-out holes in the pages. Anyone have more great uses for old magazines?


  1. That looks really cool. Nice job.

  2. That looks awesome! Did you use mat board or just a piece of cardstock? I love all the shades of blue.

  3. oooo if i was a kid...it would take "every fiber of my being" to keep from picking the flappy circles off...:) i'm still that kid. i love the colors. and i love that someone else thinks real simple is dorky and usually not simple at all and suggests all the most expensive products though they are guised as the "cheap & easy & green" route... NOT.

  4. That picture is wonderful. Such an amazing use of what you already have.

    If I had a circle punch, I would steal this idea. I may still steal it.

    Very watery, beachy. Very soothing.

  5. You are so creative. I know, it's just circles, but you make circles into a beautiful work of art. LOVE this!

  6. I think deep down we are just blue and grey kind of people:)


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