
Wheat as Sensory Tub

One of the things that I absolutely love about being a mother is moments like these:

I ground wheat and made bread this morning with the help of the boys. The huge bucket of wheat is irresistible to them. They pile the grain into mountains, run it through their fingers, plunge their arms in up to their elbows and invariably get it all over the kitchen floor.

 I suppose I could pay a lot of money to send my kids to a montessori school where they would have a designated time to play with sensory tubs. I could research school districts and class sizes to make sure they were getting individual attention and their minds were being engaged. But instead, I get to be with them and watch their faces as they discover things like this. I get to say, "You think wheat is cool? Come put your hands in fresh-ground flour! See how warm it is?"

There is so much teaching/learning that goes on in everyday life. Seizing these opportunities, encouraging their curiosity and rediscovering for myself the wonder of the world around me is one of the greatest joys of motherhood. It's one I honestly didn't expect when I started having kids, but is a most welcome surprise.


  1. That it is. I love it when I am able to chill out enough to notice the moments like this.

  2. So funny! I just took a picture of Ollie playing with rice the other day in the same way and wanted to blog about yet another reason why we don't need to buy any more toys! :)

  3. Love this! I, too, love all the chances to teach and the times I catch them learning for themselves with everyday objects and situations. And you've reminded me that I need to do more sensory projects. Maybe that's part of why I my kids fear getting messy (and Aaron won't eat anything with decent texture): they rarely stick their hands in anything or feel different textures...

  4. The best toys usually cost next to nothing except for a good dose of imagination. Love the pics!


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