
Refrigerator Art

E is our little artist.

Over the weekend, apparently he decided that I wasn't doing enough to display his masterpieces and took it upon himself to cover our entire refrigerator with his artwork. I could barely stand it! {I lean towards minimalism, and papers on the refrigerator have always read as visual clutter to me.}

I managed to put up with it for three days before limiting him to two or three, but the message was loud and clear. I just need to put up a gallery system or bulletin board in his room so he can display and rotate his artwork at his leisure... and far away from my refrigerator. :)

Are your children as deprived as mine, forced to live in a sterile, decorated space? Or do they have free range over your fridgidair? Please tell me I'm not alone!


  1. I don't like it on the fridge either. So I hang it all on the door going out to the garage. It is a happy reminder as I leave my house that little hands are creating here - but I don't have to look at it in the main living space of our home. :)

  2. I guess fortunately for me our refrigerator is not magnetized!!

    We have a wire photo hanger (I bought it off of Etsy to display Xmas cards) where I rotate artwork, etc. - our little lady LOVES it - this could be a good addition for you :)

  3. Hahaha! This is funny! Shane is actually the aesthetician in our home, and yes, the refrigerator is one of those places he doesn't want cluttered, mainly because the kitchen is a sort of sanctuary for him to eat and cook. Probably gets that from those years of eating and cooking in real kitchens:) me, I could care less. I love kid art, but I know I'll have to find a place like you and thespanishlady to display it. Hello pinterest ideas! I've seen tons of pins on this subject!

  4. Nothing on the fridge. Kid art goes on the kid art bulletin board and under a cheesy clear plastic table cloth on the craft table in the play room.

    Occasionally something very special gets framed.

    You're not alone.


Thanks for your comments! A note on privacy: if you know me in real life, please refrain from using my name or those of my children in your comments. xo