Choosing to start sharing our story more in depth was not a decision that came lightly. I prayed about it, J and I discussed it, and in all honesty, I waited until I felt there would be a happy ending. ;) Even so, pushing the 'publish' button yesterday was, and still is, terrifying.
I'm afraid that if I let you see the depth of the pain, it will somehow make our current happiness and recovery seem false or fleeting. I'm afraid that since there is no way to share everything, you might judge us harshly or think me a fool for staying. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do this right, that I won't be able to show you how beautiful it is to walk through something devastating, and come out on the other side stronger, more empathetic, and certainly in love. I'm afraid you won't believe me when I say that I do not regret any of it. That I am, in fact, grateful for it, even if I'd never desire to experience it again or wish any of it on anyone else.
Years ago, after our first major crisis in our marriage, I told our therapist that I was afraid of ever going back to where we once were. "I don't think I could live through that again," I fretted. Her reply has always stayed with me and is something I draw much comfort from.
She said, "Even if the exact same events were to take place once more, you would have to unlearn all that you have learned in order for it to feel the same. You have grown. You are a different person now. You can never go back."
So despite my fears, I'm pushing 'publish' again. Here's to no turning back. :)
I appreciate you always being so open and honest with the things you are going through, the struggles and the triumphs. I wish you and your family all the strength you need as you continue to work through everything!
ReplyDeleteI have followed your blog for a couple of years without ever meeting you. I have enjoyed the insight that you have offered into depression. The recent writings about your relationship have really been great. my wife and I separated for a while when I had to get my head straight. I appreciate your open and honest feelings on this part of your life.
ReplyDeleteI feel that I have experienced exactly what you have expressed in your second paragraph here, just with the "normal" arguments and pains of marriage. The joy of feeling "one" again is a cautiously tender thing. I can imagine those already very real and strong feelings magnified many times in your situation. I am so glad you have found the strength to come out the other side grateful. I am so grateful, too.
ReplyDeleteWell, I have for one have always appreciated your honesty when it comes to the tough stuff. Especially in a world filled with "perfect" women/mothers/marriages.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the leap and sharing with us.
"I'm afraid that I won't be able to do this right, that I won't be able to show you how beautiful it is to walk through something devastating, and come out on the other side stronger, more empathetic, and certainly in love."
ReplyDeleteThat is certainly one thing you don't need to be afraid of. You are so good at expressing your pain in a way that is poignant, yet not sappy or self-pitying. As for the rest, I'd say there's no need to fear for any of that from the majority of your readers (if not all!). Your blog is such a great place to read about the joy in life--especially when compared with the trials. The only reason I don't write more about my own is because I would fail at adequate description (yes, me, the writer. I struggle when writing about myself). I'd come across as sentimental for sure.
So keep pressing publish as long as you feel up to it. Because we're here for you. :)
Girl, I just loves ya.
ReplyDeleteN- please lean on me whenever you need to. I know we haven't had the chance to grow as close as I would have wanted to before we moved ALL THE WAY to PCS. ;) But I know all too well (seriously, way too well) what you're going through.
ReplyDeletePlease let me help support you. Let's do breakfast or something soon, ok?
the more i read your posts, the more i feel like we may be going through the same trauma. i read your posts thinking how i would really love to be able to open up more on my blog but fear keeps me from doing so. thank you so much for writing for both of us. you help me to be stronger as i go through my own journey.
ReplyDeleteBBC- feel free to email me at melancholy.smile@ yahoo.com. I'd love to tal more in-depth with you. :)