
Welcome 2013

I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see a year end.

While I tried to make the most of a difficult, emotional and draining 2012, it was still an immense relief to watch it flicker and die, ushering in the clean, blank slate that is 2013.

As I pack away ornaments and sweep up glitter, it's easy to think of the last 12 months as the mess that inevitably comes when cleaning out a closet. It always gets worse before it gets better. And now, we're due for a whole lot of better. At least, that's the hope.

Here's to 2013. May it be a fresh start for us all.



  1. thank you for all of your thoroughly real posts. this has been the hardest year of my marriage as well as we are going through my husband's personal recovery of his addictions. thank you for always being honest and sharing your life. i wish you tremendous joy for 2013.

  2. I have heard more than one person feel that way about 2012. I have a friend who wrote down all the hard things that had happened that year on pieces of paper then watched them burn at midnight. :)

  3. How's that 2013 shaping up for you so far?


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