
Measure of Worth

It is amazing how long one can cling to faulty thinking, even when that thinking is blatantly unhelpful, illogical, and extremely harmful.

For years I've said the words, "I am a child of God". I've sung them, recited them, taught them to my children and professed my stalwart belief in them. 

I am a daughter of God. 

Yet, how can I hold this sacred truth in one hand, while also holding the belief that what I look like is a measure of my worth in the other? It's a crazy-making dichotomy, one that undermines me constantly.

Over this last year, I've experienced a slow awakening. I'm seeing just how painful my own faulty beliefs are, and I've resolved to dedicate my efforts over the next 12 months to changing them.

Because I DO have immeasurable worth. We all do.

That worth is not conditional. It doesn't change. We can't earn it or lose it, no matter what we look like, or what may happen to us in this life, or how good or poor our decisions are, or how loved or despised we may be by others; no matter what. We have infinite, immeasurable, divine worth, simply because we were thoughtfully and individually created.

We exist, and so we have worth.

This week, I'll be writing about what I've learned and what I'm working on. I hope you'll join me. :)

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  1. We were just talking about this very thing in church yesterday. We talked about changing the conversation we have with our own voice inside our head to be more positive and less hard on ourselves. I also decided yesterday to work on this part of my life over this next year. Thanks, for a well-timed post!


Thanks for your comments! A note on privacy: if you know me in real life, please refrain from using my name or those of my children in your comments. xo