Back on Track
After more rest than I thought I could stand, my foot is now completely healed. I've purchased new running shoes, and am ready to resume training. My original goal was to run a half marathon (London's Run) in January. While I plan on running it, I've started to feel the need to push for a full marathon. Consequently, I'm now looking for a half marathon to run in September, and am thinking about registering for a full marathon to run in February. Perhaps this is too ambitious, but I feel that there's no harm in trying. I've really missed running. Almost immediately after I was injured, I felt the difference in my mood. It's incredibly hard for me to stave off depression when I don't have that daily runner's high, and I have been unable to find a comparable workout. So I'm looking forward to being happier. And hopefully a few pounds lighter. {image via}
Good luck! Way to go.
You'll have to let me know. I'm not on track for anything that ambitious but my goal was always a half marathon between each child and now that hasn't happened.The last I ran was the 5K for Art City Days and had a pretty bad time...Perhaps we can meet and run in a race together sometime down the road...In case you haven't seen it already great running schedules at Hal Higdon's site:). Keep me posted!
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