
Call me thrifty

Once I found myself outnumbered by my children, clipping coupons became a pain. In order to simplify my life, I stuck to shopping at just two stores. I was familiar with their prices. knew when things were on sale, and never had to hunt through the isles wondering where something was. That changed this week. Out of necessity, I've been searching the paper for deals on strawberries so I can continue to make jam. Yesterday, I filled up a cart with $75 worth of produce and only paid $22, all thanks to coupon clipping! It may just become a new hobby.


Kristina said...

Ooo, I love that picture.

I'm going to learn how to coupon shop soon. It seems like a daunting and very complicated thing, but the savings are worth it, I'm sure.

LisAway said...

Hi Thrifty!

I had no idea there was such a thing as coupons for produce. In Poland there are no coupons for anything. And it seems sales are pretty new, too.

MelancholySmile said...

Ah, I should qualify-- I clipped coupons for the sugar and flour, but no coupon for the actual produce. It WAS, however, advertised alongside the coupons at it's ridiculously low price. I wouldn't have known about the sale, otherwise. So I still credit the coupon clipping. :)

Marci said...

I've started couponing about 6 months ago and can't believe how much I save now that I have the hang of it! It feels so good to get a good deal...and you have to love the blogging world with so many couponing resources out there!

Nicole said...

I used to be so good at it! My dad is amazing! Now with the 2 kids in tow, I hardly make it through the essentials let alone finding the new products and such to coupon. I'm trying to find a new method, let me know what works for you! I agree with the two store idea...its hard to drag 2 or 3 kids to a new store and expect to last the whole trip! I am just now understanding why moms often go out after the kids are asleep:). Good luck!

Nicole said...

There are a lot of great thrifty sites, too, like freebies.com and all the pages that link from there! It can be addicting, though, so I've avoided it for a while now!

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