Baby L got into some fire ants yesterday. Poor thing ended up with almost 30 bites covering his body! They're swollen, itchy and painful, so I'm busy dabbing hydrocortisone creme on them and calling a friend to see if she has any tea tree oil {known to work wonders on insect bites.} Anyone else have experience with fire ant bites? I'd appreciate advice.
For all bug bites I've recently had (including ants, but I don't know if they were fire ants) I discovered Cutter, MD. It's in the camping section of Walmart and I also found it in the pharmacy section next to calamine lotion. Anyways, a dab of the stuff on the bite and it stops itching and the redness goes down. I think it's my the same makers of Off! bug spray.
Poor boy. I hope you find something that helps!
Oatmeal baths can help too, similar to when you have a sunburn. We've dealt with the Texas fire ants for years, my brother stood on an ant pile when he was about 3 and was so shocked he just stayed there, so I can imagine what Baby L is going through! Sometimes applying ice for a minute or two on the bites can bring down the sting. Good Luck!
Have no idea what to do for your wee one, but that sure is one sharp picture of a fire ant!
Evil, evil bugs! I always feel so defensive of my kids if I see bugs getting on them. A mosquito flies nearby and I wonder how it DARES go near my child. Sorry poor Baby L ran into so many audacious ants. Hope he feels better soon! (sorry I have no advice, but I'm just very mad at those ants.)
I have no pertinent advice, just sympathy for the cruelty of insects towards children. My daughter got bit by a gnat last week and her ear was swollen to three times it's normal size - painful, itching and very tender. We used hydrocortizone, cold compresses and a benedryl at night at the advice of our pediatrician. Good luck Little L.
Tea tree oil is the way to go. I use Melaleuca, a company that sells tons of products, many with a tea tree oil base. Good luck with the ant bites...I was once bitten about 30 times on each leg, too, and they were so swollen and painful for days.
Our pediatrician recommended applying Crest regular toothpaste (NOT the gel...just the old fashion kind). Something in it dries up the bites/blisters. The sooner you can apply it the better.
If your friend doesn't have tea tree oil, you can get it at Wal-mart now. I would recommend mixing several drops of the oil into a squeeze of hydrocortisone creme. We find tt is a little less messy and very effective for insect bites.
Here in fire ant country, Houston, TX, we get them allllllllll the time.
Works every time...a dot of clear nail polish. I kid you not.
My mom also mentioned the toothpaste method and it worked wonders on Elle's bee sting. I'm not sure for fire ants but down south we've encountered a few! You can search under home remedies, though this it too late for now, but for future reference:). We found baking soda and a few other things. Good luck!
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