For a while there, the combination of nursing the baby full time and marathon running changed my body. My hips were smaller, my bust larger. I'd finally rid myself of that ubiquitous 5 pounds. But it was short lived. Though I'm still running, my body has settled into what I'm forced to admit is it's natural shape-- a pear.
I suppose it's human nature to want what one cannot have. The grass is always greener and whatnot. I'm no different. It's been difficult to resist discouragment.
I've found that it is much easier to accept and embrace what I have been given when I wear clothes that are fun, lovely and fit properly. {A fabulous dress hides a multitude of sins.} To that end, I've let out a few of my skirts rather than starve myself into fiting into them again. It's all mental.
A {bit of} shopping has becomes a healthy necessity, not a vain indulgence. :) While I suspect they'll be too expensive for me, I still can't wait until these dresses from Mona & Holly are available for purchase. Black, white and yellow continue to catch my eye.
There's no reason for you to feel badly about your body! You seem to treat it well and take care of it (you couldn't have run a marathon if you didn't). I know how hard it is to accept your body (believe me, I'm not lying), but we've gotta love the body our Lord blessed us with :)
One of your great gifts is knowing what looks perfect on your body type...many women don't have that genius and you do!
Pears aren't so bad. Imagine if you were shaped like an avacado or eggplant!=)
I always love your style, you are one of the best dressers that I know! You look good all the time, just dont forget that!
I love the way you dress. I always look forward to seeing what cute outfit you have on next. As a growing pregnant lady, I am almost to big for all the clothes that have become my favorites and as I head into the huge and uncomfortable stage it is discouraging not to have clothes to look forward to. Sometimes a bit of shopping is definately a neccesity.
It's true, shopping can be a necessity. And I'm constantly feeling the same way--I am at a steady, healthy weight, but am never satisfied. I always want to be 5 lbs lighter. But that would mean starving myself, and I don't want to go through that emotional turmoil again. So I keep trying to push away those dang thoughts and tell myself that I'm a daughter of God.
We all know our faults and imperfections. Luckily we can hide them, and usually, no one even notices. And honestly, you look beautiful. :)
Well, its true! The grass is always greener and it does help to wear well fitting clothes...If only the time and money to find them were abundant:). I need to get my sewing machine out again and not be afraid to alter my clothes instead of getting discouraged or wanting new clothes...Its good to know I'm not alone, as I'm sure many of us aren't!
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