...that I was the kind of girl that could've referenced The Smiths the first time J and I met. He would have married me on the spot.
We saw 500 Days of Summer this weekend and really enjoyed it. It was quirky, funny, painful and had us talking about past relationships the entire drive home. We tried not to be jealous of the fact that someone else wrote a story about love {not a love story} before we did.
Plus the clothes, music and sets= all to die for. Go see it. Thank me later.
I love Zoe Deschanel! And did you know the girl can sing? One to put on my list of rentals to watch at home with my baby! Thanks for the recommend.
I could escape to a good movie right now...thanks for the recommend.
Sometimes I wish that my husband would have been impressed by the fact that I could have referenced The Smiths the first time we met.
I can't wait to see this movie.
Sorry I had a typo the first time.
But I am so excited to see this movie!
To me that boy looks just like the late Heath Ledger. His living twin. Tell me you see it too.
Miggy: we just can't win, can we? :)
Em: I totally see it. It's the way he squints his eyes like that. Very Ledger-esque.
this movie is not released yet, release date is sept. 4th ...how did you see it already?
Spyglass: It was released July 17th! I checked showtimes for your area, and it's already playing near you. Go see it!
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