
White Mountains

As is tradition, we escaped the scorching heat by renting a few cabins in the mountains with J's family for July 4th. I think this was the best year yet. 

J's brother found a fabulous location with three cabins tucked into the edge of a meadow, close enough to the lake that we could hike over with our fishing poles, but far enough that we could let the little ones play outside without fear that they would drown. 

The weather was refreshingly chilly, with pleasant afternoon showers that sent us indoors for lunch and card games. The cousins spent hours running around in the woods and between the cabins, playing with mud and sticks and balls and bikes, just as children should. The adults talked, read, played card games, whiffle ball and blongo; rode bikes, fished on the lake and went running; snacked, napped and lounged on the deck or by the fire. We watched fireworks while huddled under layers of blankets, and ate indian fry bread dusted in powdered sugar. 

It was heaven. {Except when some of the kids got sick and threw up all over the place.}

I am so lucky to have married into a family full of people that I look forward to spending time with. I can hardly wait for next year.


The Dragonfly said...

Your description does sound like a little slice of heaven! Glad for your getaway and relaxation.

LisAway said...

That really does sound just like heaven (minus the barfing). Every (other) detail. Mmmmm.

Allison said...

I agree with you. I married into a wonderful family and I truly enjoy my in-laws. I am glad you are blessed in the same way!

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