
I'm back..... barely.

We've been wanting to take the kids on the Polar Express train for years. Despite having a rather unusual year, we were fortunate enough to have saved ahead, purchased tickets in October, and made super cheap hotel reservations. We left for the mountains last week and could not wait to see the kid's reactions.

They freaked out over the snow. They spent the entire first day making snowmen, throwing snowballs, eating icicles and laughing about being able to see their breath. I owe a big thanks to my sisters-in-law, who loaned us warm clothes for the kids.

While J took the kids to explore and play in the snow, baby L and I napped. I had a terrible cold {that I'm still not quite over} and spent a lot of time sleeping, drinking soup, and eating hot roasted chicken & fresh oranges, then sleeping some more. It was actually really relaxing.

We don't have many pictures of the actual night on the Polar Express-- we mostly took video-- but it was great fun. We arrived in time to see the train pull into the station, and waited in the cold to board our car. When the lady behind us found out she was waiting in the wrong line, she took off muttering profanities and I found myself yelling after her, "Watch your mouth! There are children present!" Funny, I always think of myself as such a demure, ladylike woman. Until I find myself shaking my fist at a stupid driver or yelling at someone for swearing. Yeah, real demure. :)
The kids wore Christmas pajamas, drank hot cocoa, and received a bell from Santa. Baby L hopped from seat to seat and yelled 'choo choo!' all evening.

E was rather stubborn. He wanted to experience the evening in his own way, and became absolutely furious if we tried to talk to him at all. So we tried to ignore him and have fun. The next morning, you'd never know he'd acted like such a sourpuss. He couldn't stop talking about the train, and looked for it every time he heard a whistle in the distance.

The next day we took the kids tubing. E loved it, and got so that he'd go down the steepest, fastest route all by himself. L was terrified. I took him down once, then sat at the bottom and video taped while he ate fistfuls of snow.

Now we're home, and I need another nap. Heavens, I hope I'm not still sick come Christmas.


The Queen Vee said...

We didn't have to leave home this Christmas to have snow as 24 inches fell out of the sky this past weekend. So much snow they canceled church, school and closed the malls, museums and highways.

Hope you feel better soon, being sick for Christmas or anytime is no fun.

Nicole said...

This pregnancy I've been so sick with colds, I guess having other kids to get things from nursery helps:). But has made it one long pregnancy, nothing sounds good, I'm always tired and it seems like it will never end. But I guess its all part of having a family, eh! Glad you've found out at least what "part" of the sickness was:). Good luck!

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