

I had insomnia on Saturday night. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep. I'd lay in bed and my feet would start twitching, my skin would crawl and my mind would race until I had no choice but to get up and scrub the floor or wash mirrors or start a load of laundry. By 6 am, the house was spotless and I had finished two of the books in this week's library stack, but I was nearly insane with exhaustion.

Luckily, J bravely packed up the three kids and took them to church by himself, and I was able to nod off for an hour or two while they were gone. Insomnia is common for me when I'm coming off of my meds, and hopefully it will pass soon {along with that weird brain-jolt feeling that leaves me so dizzy}. In the meantime, I may end up needing a second stack of books from the library sooner than I had planned.


Apis Melliflora said...

Don't read any of those books! They look too pretty, stacked so perfectly there. Even your drawing model thinks so. I can tell.

merelyLooking said...

Lol, you must've gotten the What To Blog About Today memo! Glad someone's reading those.... Great minds.... (or samedosageminds might be more on point)

I wrote mine at 4am this morning - the computer just wouldn't let it post til now - so who's on first? :)

The Queen Vee said...

I love libraries, I love stacks of library books, I love it when I've actually read the stack of books I've checked out of the library. I hope your system adjusts soon so that you can get some much needed sleep. In the mean time it looks like you're putting your unwanted insomnia to good use.....exhaustion go away, sleep, it's time for you to arrive.

Rebecca said...

hoping you're getting rest now!!..and i am loving your pencils!

Nathan and Whitney said...

I just have to say what a strong person you are! You really are an inspiration. You seem to brave trials and hard things with such poise. And your J must simply be amazing as he loves and supports your family too. You seem to make a great team!

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