Today, I finished walking, flushed and aching in my hips and lower back. I lifted a few weights, and then went to pick up the kids from the child-center, feeling pretty proud of myself. As I entered, the cheerful lady behind the counter greeted me with, "Wow, due any day now, huh?"
I plastered a smile on my face and told myself not to take it personally. {But honestly, when is that ever a good thing to say to someone?}
Yes, I'm huge. Yes, I know it. And yes, I will get even bigger in the next 8 weeks.
But I'm not going to think about that. {I'm not!}
I'm going to think about after the next 8 weeks. Because once the baby is born, I'll keep walking my hill program. And every week I'll walk it a little faster. Until one day, I'll be running it again.
The baby comes in August. In November, I'm running a 5k. In December, a 10k. And in January, a half marathon.
Funny, isn't it? My motivation for ignoring the pains of the coming 8 weeks is a pair of sneakers and the promise of weeks filled with a different kind of pain.
Such is life. :)
This made me lol cause it is so true. I bet you are one hot mama, cause you are just hot, I guess I will find out in a week...:)
I feel your pain sister. Someone told me I looked like I was about to pop at 7 mo. I also had someone ask me if I was having twins...so not cool. C'mon people don't you know you never should say these things. The only thing ever that should be said is wow you look great.
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