
Where'd you get those eyes?

Why is it that boys always inherit the Amazing Eyelashes gene? Where is the fairness in that?

Both E and L have crazy-long lashes.

Little Miss C and I have to make do with mascara. Such is life. :)


LisAway said...

Jeepers creepers! Those are some beeeeeeautiful eyes and looooooooong eyelashes!! My goodness!

I've thought about doing an eyelash post before, too because my kids all have long ones. Evie lucked out because hers are quite long and also dark. She doesn't even need mascara. No fair. (but it's true about boys and eyelashes in general. As a kid I cursed my dad for having such strong nails when I wanted to grow mine out but they were thin and brittle.)

Apis Melliflora said...

I think the long boy eyelashes are Darwinian. They need them to ward off the dust and stuff when they're out hunting the herd for dinner. Survival of the fittest eyelashes.

The Dragonfly said...

My Soren and Ollie got the long, luscious lashes. Mine are sparce at best. I need to use the fakies - but I don't for fear they'd fall off and look like a spider crawling on my face. :)

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