

For Family Home Evening last week, we gathered the children together and read an excerpt of President Monson's General Conference talk on gratitude.

Specifically, the story about young Gordon Green growing up on a farm in Canada, and how after a particularly devastating year for crops, they had a poor Thanksgiving, during which his father reminded them to be grateful. They had only recently acquired electricity, so he reminded them of how dark things used to be by having them eat by the light of candles and lamps.

After reading the story, we talked about gratitude and had our own candlelit dinner. As I looked around at the faces around the table, I couldn't help but marvel at all I've been given. Happy Thanksgiving Week everyone!


Marci said...

I LOVE this idea! I may just have to copy it :-)!

Nicole said...

I do love it! Wish I'd seen it an hour earlier to do with our family tonight! Love the paper plates, too, if I do say so myself:).

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