I love these inventive photos Adele Enersen took of her sleeping daughter, Mila. Unfortunately, we'll never be able to do the same thing for baby R, because he never sleeps.
Sleep training is not going well. R wakes every two hours, often wailing from 2-4 a.m no matter what I do. I am utterly spent. At one point last week, we bought a pack of earplugs and J and I started trading nights up with the baby, but after several turns with no discernible improvement, J lost all patience and it's back to being my responsibility.
The unrelenting fatigue leaves me snappish with my husband and children, sluggish and woefully under-conditioned when it comes to running, and pathetically vulnerable to every single cold and flu virus I encounter.
I'm not sure what else to do, except take more naps.
I wish I could offer some advice, but Clark was the same way, and I never really figured it out. I am sorry though. :(
Lack of sleep is the single, number one most difficult thing for me when I have a new baby. My empathy for you is huge right now! It will get better . . . the question is WHEN?
Yes, sympathy from here also, my husband was never good at helping me with the sleep issues (both my twins hated to slee), which why we ended up co-sleeping for so long. Hope he starts giving you some longer stretches soon!
Bummer. (MAJOR understatement, I realize.) I'm sorry for you! Of course you know that it'll be a matter of months and you'll be feeling great and hardly remember this? :) :S
One of my sister's kids was the same way. He just would NOT learn to sleep through the night. She went sort of the opposite extreme and now still gets up fairly regularly with her last kids who are six and four. . .
Best wishes and sleepy thoughts to you!
I know this sounds silly, but by chance it works with my baby and he only gets up to nurse at night. He with his head pointing in the same direction he was delivered in. It's an old wives tale but one I've heard works from several people. Not sure what direction for a c-section though. Just a strange suggestion from one sleep deprived mom to another.
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