
Pots of Gold

Holidays like St Patrick's Day are perfect for children and Visiting Teachers. They provide a convenient excuse to put together random gifts and drop by unannounced, which is exactly what I need when I haven't been Visiting Teaching in months and require something to kick-start my resolve to do better. 

I threw these little "Pots of Gold" together this morning after seeing what Crys did for her kids and being reminded that chocolate gold coins are awesome. I picked everything up at World Market and then printed these free tags. It took less than an hour to drop them all off, and now I can wave to the ladies I visit teach without feeling guilty and embarrassed to set up a 'real' appointment. Nice.

Now to watch Waking Ned Devine and eat the leftover coins. :)


Nicole Marie said...

gold chocolate is my favorite! why does it taste so darn good!

Apis Melliflora said...

Nice job...chocolate gold coins, who doesn't love those?

merelyLooking said...

Awesome! I wish I'd thought of that yesterday....

But, in true H Fam tradition, yesterday is going to be today (no time to cook my corned beef yesterday so Surprise! Today is St Patrick's day!)

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