
Second Just to Being Born

E is in such a gangly-awkward phase. Gaps in his smile. High-water jeans. Temper tantrums one moment and astonishing seriousness the next. I don't envy him. Despite all the talk of care-free childhoods, I'm well aware that growing up is hard work. I find it staggering how quickly their bodies and minds grow and change.

The other day, for no apparent reason, E tenderly put his arm around L and offered to buy him a treat with his own money. I watched in silent awe as he patiently pointed out the various sweets on display in the vending machine, waited for L to pick one out, paid for it himself and handed it over. Most days, E can be vicious to L, seemingly taking out all his frustrations with the world on his younger brother. It kills me to see it, knowing as I do how close they could and should be. But he's been steadily working on it, the same way he's worked on controlling his anger, learning to read, and trying new foods {annoyed as he is with our mantra, "a picky eater is always hungry"}.

Last Sunday, he stepped up in front of the entire congregation and shared his testimony. I listened from the hallway {unable to sit through Sacrament meeting with a screaming Baby R in my lap} and marveled at his carefully composed, unprompted remarks. Next year he will turn 8 years old and be baptized. It boggles the mind!

What happened to that little baby that could only sleep while laying on my chest? The toddler with the shock of reddish hair that was so gorgeous, I cried when I accidentally cut it too short? The tiny little boy that was so skinny, his pants were always falling down?

Everyone says it, but it's heartbreakingly true: they grow up so fast.


The Dragonfly said...

I am going to print that mantra and put it on my wall for my picky eater to see.

Oh man how I cherish those sweet moments between siblings. They are so few in my house!

merelyLooking said...

Ohmigosh, I wouldn't even recognize him! He's changed so much this year! Dad looked over my shoulder and said "Holy Smokes!! He's turned into a young man already!" It's felt like a privilege to have witnessed some of those moments of him growing and choosing; to have seen glimpses of the within. I luv that you share these marker moments. See *this* is why you really blog :)

Crys said...

I got tears eyed reading this, seeing the truth of it everyday lately in my kids. I love my nieces and nephews, they should not be getting so big without me!

Crys said...
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Unknown said...

I think about this all the time. It breaks my heart that Mack will never be at this stage again.....and then I sit outside in the hall with him at church and am a little excited that he will move past that stage.

Amber - Binkertation said...

What a heart felt post, Mama! Wow, 8 soon - that's hard to imagine. It sounds like your little guy is growing up just great and can be tender as well as pick on his little siblings (the way you're supposed to) ;)

Thanks for sharing his adorable gap toothed grin, too.

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