

With three children in the house, running requires that I leave at 5 a.m. and return before my husband has to leave for work. Even as a morning person, this is really difficult for me. Add a sleepless baby into the mix, and it is nigh unto impossible. Still, I'm disappointed in myself for not waking up on time. On days like today, when I've wallowed in bed until 6 a.m. I'm forced to run at the gym, where I can take advantage of childcare. I hate running on a treadmill. No breeze, no scenery, and I can jump off at anytime, which means no motivation. Oh, that I would remember that the next time my alarm goes off! {image via}


Kristina said...

I know that feeling. Did it this morning. I HATE cardio at the gym. Hate, hate, hate it. Hopefully we'll always remember that!

Nicole said...

I'm impressed that you are in a regular exercise routine at all, and that your kids last through day care at the gym:) well, and a lot envious, I don't do anything before 8 am these days after not sleeping a night in 11 mos! It feels like forever since I left the house for the soul purpose of exercise...What will I do with three? I wish Joseph was at home once in a while...You have yet again re motivated me to take up running when I get settled here, or at least the elliptical...Good luck with things and thanks for the updates! I'll try to be better!!! I feel like it's been a long time, I'm so detached from you and your family happenings! I'd love to see your hair black, or any pictures of you:). I'm never in the pictures either...Wish we were closer, to talk, let our kids play and even go running together in the mornings...

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