This is the desk I bought for $25 on craigslist. The legs were wobbly and one of the drawers was hanging on by a thread.

Unfortunately, I am the type of person who forgets to take pictures of a project while I'm mid way through it, so imagine it sanded down, the knobs removed, wood glue applied, and some motorcycle straps wrapped around it to keep it secure while the glue dried....

The original color was a {VERY poorly applied} putty hue. I decided to go with a pale, cheerful yellow by Benjamine Moore called Winter Sunshine.

Next, Little Miss C and I debated over new hardware at Anthropologie. I really wanted the peeping posies knobs. She really wanted the Rosy knobs, one in every color. We compromised by choosing three simple Zinnia Knobs in pink, and ONE Rosy knob.

Then I lined the drawers with pretty paper.

And now it just needs a chair!
Beautiful! Perfect for her room!
Reminds me very much of my desk redo for Hannah - but your desk has so much more character. By the way, it's been a year and I still don't have a chair for her desk. :(
Love it! Both projects are awesome!
So crafty and so cute. Way to go Miss Motivation.
Pretty redo, strikes just the right chord between girlie and elegant. The desk has lovely lines. What will the chair be like? Oh, the possibilities!
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