
Just put your little hand in mine....

I'm still here. And I'm still pregnant. Every morning that I wake up {with this huge belly and no promising contractions} makes me wince. It's starting to feel like Groundhog's Day around here. {"What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?" "That about sums it up for me."}


Crys said...

I think you should get a special treat for every day you are still pregnant. :)

The Queen Vee said...

I'd watch all the Jane Austin movies straight through without stopping.

I'd take a long walk every night after it cools down, does in cool down at night in AZ?

I'd invite friends over for dinner because I'm sure that I would go into labor if I had an event planned.

I'd get a baby sitter and go see Inception.

I'd leave comments on all my favorite blogs because after the baby arrives there won't be time to do that.

I'd keep saying to myself, "Peace, be still," knowing that this to shall pass.

Hang in there Melancholy, you're about to cross over the finish line and the prize is at hand.

LisAway said...

This last was my first pregnancy where I did the waking up disappointed. Sorely disappointed (although slightly glad that I didn't have to try to have a baby in the middle of the night. Nice that I ended up having the baby in the morning after laboring all night! Ugh.)

Hang in there. It will be over soonly and suddenly. I am so excited for you. And at this point sorry for you. :) :(

wenwin said...

If I remember correctly, Groundhog Day had a happy ending. You will be entering a Groundhog Day of your very own making soon- waking up every morning and snuggling with your precious new-born! Now that is a Groundhog Day worth waiting for! I so enjoy your blog! Happy prayers to you!

敬周喜 said...
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Apis Melliflora said...

Groundhog Day. One of my all time favorites. Maybe you could read French poetry, avoid fudge and raise your glass to world peace?

Nicole said...

Great comments, especially the one of planning a great event as things always seem to come up if you have something nice planned:). Don't worry, a happy healthy baby is what's going on in there, but hopefully by now it is coming right along. I was kinda hoping for my birthday but its great to have your own day, too:). And yes, we're all anxiously waiting, too!!!

Lindsay said...

I thought of you yesterday when it was raining cats and dogs and I was feeling melancholy. It cheered me up to think your baby is likely here by now. We can't wait to see!

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