
Yet Another Bed

It turns out that the listlessness of last week {accompanied by an annoying sore throat} was just a precursor to an all-out sneezing, coughing, aching, my-head-is-going-to-explode spring cold. Joy. 

I promise to return later with photos of Easter, some exciting nutrition news, and a post on why I homeschool, but for now I will bury myself in blankets and curse the thriftiness that led me to buy cheap-and-scratchy toilet paper instead of a box of lotion-laden tissues. :(



The Dragonfly said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. Do get well soon. And here's a little funny for you: my mom and I were just discussing premium vs. cheap toilet paper last night! I'm all for the Charmin. She - not so much. We'll see whose nose is smiling with both of our hideous allergy issues!

MB said...
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merelyLooking said...

You must have caught it from us over the phone! :) Curse those phone lines and fast moving bugs!

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