They each insisted on being photographed with it, and dubbed it The Great Pumpkin.

To be honest, I'm not certain we'll even carve pumpkins this year. They're expensive {$5 each!}, time consuming {they have to be carved the night before, since the heat makes them shrivel up so fast}, and somehow I always end up finishing them all up myself while the family watches Halloween cartoons. Maybe we'll just skip it.
Do you plan on carving pumpkins? Do you get one for each member of the family? Do you use Funkins {the fake ones bought at craft stores}? Do tell.
i am shocked at the cost of them this year. k-mart had them priced at 6.99 a piece here on the east coast!
no pumpkin carving here.
we painted ours this year! i officially hate carving pumpkins....it takes forever to gut them and by the time you're done, you're too tired and sick of pumpkins to carve them. and they never turn out how i want them too, so it's discouraging. so i found cheap pumpkins at the farmer's market ($1 for small ones....$3 for big!) and let loose with craft paint i already had, gold spray paint, and glue/glitter. it was so much more fun for my daughter because we actually let her paint one (since i didn't involve a knife). and i had a friend who through a rotten pumpkin in the corner of her backyard one year, and the next year they had a crop of pumpkins, so i might try that to cut costs even more. :)
I haven't carved a pumpkin in years but would love to get back in the habit now that I have a kid. Plus, I just think they're fun But my thought is the same as yours--the cost. Yikes. The pic of Little Miss C is adorable.
So your previous post has me dying to ask: have you ever read The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean? I just got done reading it and think you might enjoy it. It's got a little bit of strong language and the writing is not earth-shattering by any means, but it's a quick and easy read.
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