Remember my New Year's resolution to fold laundry directly after removing it from the dryer? One unforeseen consequence of my determination to actually follow through has been a complete avoidance of laundry altogether! I suppose subconsciously I figure that if I don't feel like folding laundry, just don't wash it. No broken resolutions, no harm done. That is, until days like today, when there isn't a stitch of clean clothing to be found and a bazillion loads of mountainous laundry crowd the laundry room. *sigh* I have resigned myself to an entire day of washing, drying and folding {I have no choice, unless I want venture out in public wearing pajamas!}. At least I have TiVo to keep me company.
I'm one of those weird people who *likes* folding laundry. I'm not tidy in other ways, but I do love putting fresh laundry neatly away in the drawers. Feel free to send yours my way! :)
You and I - laundry avoiders! I'm guilty of a worse crime though, and that's letting the laudry sit wet in the washer because I know drying means folding means my least favorite part: putting away. I end up washing every fifth load twice because I've forgotten it and it's gone sour. Can you say LOSER?
Ha Ha! Laundry consumes my life!
That is a hilarious picture. Laundry just happens to be the bane of my existence for precisely that reason. I've always had the insane need to fold every load of laundry right as it comes out of the dryer. Otherwise, I feel like the wrinkled mess might just as well not have been washed at all. So all day long, every blasted Monday I am a slave to the beeping of the dryer.
I don't know how you find all your pictures, but they are fabulous. Your writing is spectacular, too, so combined with the images: perfection.
There's no perfect plan for laundry. I'm facing over 10 loads today and it's a mountain: I'm the speck at the bottom. My mom made us wear our clothes a couple times before they were truly laundry worthy.
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